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Bad Guy

Written By ToRohn Yancey 


Most people try to get a hi out of me,

Some people try to get a rise out of me,

They’ll never get a lie out of me,

Even if they tried to get it pried out of me,

And most of the time it’s because they’re adjacent,

With people, they choose to flake with,

Because their lives are so basic, 

That’s why I hang with,

Only people I’ve grown with from the basement,

Because Most People like to shapeshift,

Depression I can’t shake this,

And I’m tired of hearing “here, take this”

Sometimes I want to run and hide,

But I know that’s career suicide,

I finally explode and You say I carry Bad Vibes, 

All of a Sudden I’m the “Bad Guy”.


Bad Guy” was written from the perspective of a student-athlete that is done hiding his or her dark cloud which may rain on the people around them’s parade unintentionally. This athlete is scatter brained because there are a million things to think about when you're a young adult. They’re in their head too much if you will. Some people may think that because we’re athletes we're supposed to be superhumans with no negative emotions but we can get low just as everyone else sometimes. They’ve finally found a chink in our armor but instead of helping they’d rather judge. However, the only way to defeat your demons is to exploit them. Regardless of how they are presented, they eventually come out anyway. And for those few people who see you break and kick you while you're down or neglect you a million others are willing to help you stand up again.